Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Of All the Words...

Sam was working on his math homework yesterday.

S: "Mom, I need a rubber.  Do you know if we have one of those big, white rubbers?"

R: "Uh, (pause to stop myself from laughing) yeah, there should be one with the other school supply stuff."

S: "Thanks."

R: "Hey, I think we should use the American word for that.  I'm for keeping on calling it an eraser."

S: "Why?  Everyone else here calls them rubbers."

M: "Yeah, Mom, they're made of rubber so it makes sense."

R: "Well, they erase so it makes sense to call it an eraser too." 

S: "I like rubber. I'm going to call it that."

I guess this one will figure itself out in time.  But really, of all the Aussie words to adopt...


Unknown said...

Of course! You know, I went to British school... so that is how I called it growing up too, until I moved here and they messed my English up! :)

pbsteele said...

It will be funny when they are older, and they understand why you wanted them to keep calling them erasers!

Sofie C said...

HA...We had the same conversation 3.5 years ago! :)