This afternoon I noticed a couple of cockatoos snarfing persimmons from the neighbors' tree and eating them on the tennis court fence. I went out to try to get a couple of photos and was suddenly face to face with a cockatoo that landed on our balcony railing right in front of me. He/she clearly wanted something to eat and walked back and forth chirping at me while I tried to get the camera to cooperate. I had a minute or so before the kids and dog inside noticed. Sam came out with a piece of bread which the cocaktoo happily took from his hand and flew off. We were quickly surrounded by 8-10 eager cockatoos on our roof, the neighbors' roofs and the trees. Jackson got outside and did his best vicious dog imitation to scare them off. After watching a beautiful new house two doors down the street get stained with copious amounts of 'too poo as a result of feedings, we know that feeding them is not an option. But, after 5 months here, it was nice of them to visit!
God! Your pictures are so so so soooo good!
Good shoots Rach ;)
The one of the cockatoo eating bread and the other one looking makes me feel bad though. Poor other cockatoo :/
Great pics! Aren't they beautiful? And did you know they can live to be 100 yrs old?
with the price of groceries there, maybe a little cocka-tooo stew? ;-)
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