Tuesday, October 18, 2011

You Thought That One Was Big?

   Sydney has had its fair share of rainy weekends over the last several months so we made the most of this last one since the rain stayed away.  We headed north to the outer ranges of Sydney's suburbs to the Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park. This time we were allowed to enter since we left Jackson at home. 

    The park is bordered to its east by sparkly Pittwater, a gorgeous body of water that starts at Broken Bay and parallels the Pacific Ocean going south for about 10k.  The area is known for boating, bushwalking, wildlife and Aboriginal art sites.

Lion Island, named because the profile resembles an ancient Sphinx.

Broken Bay, where the Hawkesbury River meets the Pacific. Repeatedly, we've read that this area is known for sharks.  Got it! 

View from West Head Lookout, across Pittwater to Barrenjoey Head at the end of the Palm Beach Peninsula.  Back in March we hiked up to the Barrenjoey Lighthouse. 

Pittwater is known for its sailing communities.

   As we were taking in the sights, we noticed this goanna/lace monitor wandering around checking things out.  He was four feet long!  He didn't stick around too long so we were happy to have gotten to see him.  I'm all for seeing wildlife but I'm not sure I like the reptile trajectory that we seem to be on!

   A couple of quick bushwalks (hikes/walks) led us to ancient Aboriginal sites, thought to be about 2000 years old. 

Rock etchings depicting  men, fish, wallabies, etc.  This guy is actually holding a boomerang although it's barely visible here. 

Handprints made from ochre on  the side of sandstone cave walls.


Laura said...

Do they make everything big in Oz? Thus far spiders, lizards, and bananas all seem a bit overgrown. What next?

Chris said...

Nice to find some fellow Tarheels in Oz. My husband and I are both from NC but lived in California before moving to Manly a few months ago. I didn't find where you ended up calling home but if you're ever in Manly, maybe we can meet up for coffee. I am a mom of a 6 month old, however don't have a car (hence idea to meet in Manly). My email is chrissyjenkin09@gmail.com. I haven't met many Americans out here so looking to meet some:-) Cheers!