Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Now That's A Field Trip!

      We are back to reality - at least sort of.  Chris is back to work after a week off and the kids went to their first day of Aussie school today.  The kids had pretty good days, which is I think is a huge accomplishment for them.
       Yesterday we went to the school to buy uniforms.  The returning kids were there for their first day so we got a chance to scope out the uniforms then.  It was a brief visit but that $350 went out of my hand way too quickly!  Afterwards, the kids and I headed to the Mosman Library where we got library cards and books.  Mia has been craving books after reading all of the ones we brought and a couple that we bought while here.  Books are incredibly expensive (2 to 3 times as much as in the US) so we've been waiting anxiously for library access.  We also checked out the Mosman Aquatic Center, just two blocks from the school, where they have swim squads (teams).  It's most likely the place where the kids will swim, when we get to that in a week or two.  We do not have a car yet and are still living in the city, so we headed back to our apartment by bus.  Sydneysiders apparently aren't that satisfied with their public transportation but we have thus far found it to be great - clean, punctual, with friendly and helpful drivers.

     The kids were both nervous this morning as we headed across town on the bus.  Mia was uncomfortable wearing her new uniform but at the same time "just wanted to fit in."  A bit counterintuitive but understandable for a nine year-old.  We officially registered them and then headed off to meet their teachers in the classrooms, with the school day already underway.  Mia is starting Year 5 and Sam is in Year 2, based on their ages.  We think it will be a good fit for both of them.  Mia's teacher is named Miss Duke.  When she heard that, Mia had a hard time keeping a straight face!  Good Tar Heel girl! Mia is in a newly renovated classroom that used to be part of the school's library.  Sam is just down the hall with a teacher who immediately recognized North Carolina as "the home of good basketball."  The school day starts at 9:00 AM and ends at 3:10 PM, so it is about a half an hour shorter than we are used to.  Starting at 9:00 will feel like a Delayed Opening everyday, although I think we'll have no trouble adjusting.  :-)

      Mia's teacher handed me a permission slip and said that they were going surfing this Friday.  That put a smile on Mia's face (but not Sam's)!  And not just once, but every Friday for the next five weeks from 11:30 AM until 2:45 PM they head to a beach and have an hour surf lesson.  Most of her day for five Fridays!  Hard to believe.  Can you even imagine that happening in Chapel Hill?  I'm still a little stunned but thrilled for her.

     We learned this morning that our air shipment, which was due to arrive this past Friday, has been stalled in Anchorage, AK due to a severe backlog in cargo transport shipments to Australia.  No idea why but that means that even though we can get into our house next week, we won't have our stuff from the air shipment (includes kitchen stuff and bed linens, etc.).  So, now we are looking into renting bed linens and kitchen stuff for a month or so until the shipment arrives and gets through customs.  Just trying to roll with all this....

      Jackson is doing OK at quarantine, although his handler says that he seems to want more attention.  So sad.  The quarantine station is about a 40 minute drive and there is not a public transport option to get there.  The kids are in school the only times that we're allowed to visit but we are thinking of getting them out early Thursday and heading there to see the little guy if Chris can swing it.  Then, we'll hire a walker/attention giver to give him some more attention for the next few weeks.  Come on March 2nd!

I've no idea what their feelings are about wearing uniforms.

They both like the sport uniform much better.

Mia's much detested footwear.

We're going to miss these amazing views when we are back at ground level.



Matt said...

Well, okay, the shoes are hideous, but the rest of the uniforms are cute! But what really made my jaw drop is the surfing lessons every Friday!!!!!! OMG. Do you all know how lucky you are? I'm now ready to move to Sydney and go back to 5th grade myself. That would never happen here. When you all get back, you're going to have to teach the MacKinnons how to surf! That is awesome. I think that once you get settled in, you are going to love it there and have a wonderful time. I'm really jealous. Gotta figure out a way to get down to Oz and visit you.

Rich said...

Surfing lessons rock!

I'm still looking for the profile view to accompany the opening mugshot - I've seen happier criminals. Well... this is Australia, so perhaps that makes sense. ;-)

Sounds like you have adapted to the heights (last picture).

Unknown said...

Well, glad to hear that the first day of school was a good one! The Duke teacher cracked me up.... how appropriate in a way :)-- I bet Sam is not too thrilled about Mia's surfing Fridays, but how cool! Someone will be glad to head to school at least one day a week. I am glad you are finally getting settled. I hope you get to see poor Jackson soon and that March 2 is here in the blink of an eye. Continue sharing, we love it! (PS: Think of renting linens as being in a hotel... )

Marie said...

Go Duke !! What a great name for a teacher !!! You can't get away from us even if you move across the world. :)

natalie jones said...

hi its natalie your old neghbor i hope you dont dissid to stay there and whats sams teachers name