Sunday, July 3, 2011

In The Ghetto

   Often when we're asked where we live in Sydney, and we respond "Mosman", the reply is "Ah, the expat ghetto."  With its proximity to the CBD (Central Business District), beautiful Balmoral Beach, pretty neighborhoods, good schools and village-like feel, Mosman's appeal is widespread.  The principal at the kids' school told us that they have students from 35 countries.  With so many families living here temporarily, there is a constant stream of hellos and goodbyes.  Families that have been here 2 years are the old pros and you're only a newbie for a few months.  This time of year seems to be particularly full of transitions since it's summer in the northern hemisphere.  Mia's class is losing three students at the end of term due to international relocations.  I've been to three farewell events in the past week.  We're bummed to say goodbye to families we've really just started to know, but overall we're OK with this "ghetto" life.

Main drag through the "ghetto"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I could live in that ghetto! Seems you are starting to be oldies there already .)